About Us
For over 25 years, ITS Livestock (formerly ITS Global) has been providing innovative software solutions to maximize efficiency and profitability for feedlot operations across North America.
Our fully integrated, scalable systems cover everything from inventory, financials, and animal health to advanced feed/bunk management with our in-truck feeding system. We also offer RFID equipment, scales, computer/ network hardware, full IT services, and exceptional support from our in-house team.
Complete Feedlot Management Software
Our easy-to-use, fully integrated systems are designed to boost your bottom line with real-world benefits and practical, comprehensive solutions that save cattle feeders time and money. Get the edge when it comes to feed efficiency, inventory, and animal health management with innovative software that works as hard as you do.

Complete feedlot management software.
Manage activities on a lot, pen and animal basis plus the financials all in one convenient place. Boost profitability and enhance productivity by easily managing daily activities. Access real-time reports and create an accurate database for informed decision-making that optimizes your performance for profit.

Advanced feed and bunk management.
Monitor intakes and ensure every load is built right, every time. Our in-truck feeding system features real-time data capture and display, making it easy to rebalance ration composition and adjust calls by head or by pen on an as-fed or dry matter basis.

Animal health and traceability, simplified.
A fully integrated solution that ties together feedlot performance and individual animal data to effectively manage today’s enhanced traceability requirements while keeping the focus on your bottom line.

Full IT Services and Support
Simple traceability software with US Export Documentation System that streamlines age verification and export processes. exportIT can be used as a standalone product for feedlots or veterinarians providing cattle export services.
I could not run the feedlot without it. The programs provide the data capture and feedback necessary to make the correct decisions in the feedlot as well as easily tracks all expenses.
ITS Livestock’s software products have paid for themselves by tightening up my feed variances. Prior to their inventory management system, I had a 5 to 6% loss in my finisher supplement alone.